Monday 1 August 2016

Coconut Oil - one product that does so much!

Why i love this product?

                                                                                                                                    Where do i start with this product, well i discovered this about 2-3 years ago, it was before all the coconut hype started and my friend told me about it. I suffer from eczema on my arms and i get flare ups with a lot of products. I read up before buying and claims to be good for eczema/fungal skin conditions as it has natural anti-fungal properties in it. 

My experience with this product-  I loved this straight away, i love the smell of coconuts as it is, so this was great. In england you will find it has a more solid consistency because were not always so lucky with the hot weather, but it melts from being like set slightly soft candlewax consistency to complete liquid oil. If mine is ever quite solid i put the hairdryer on to make softer just because i prefer it that way. I noticed such a difference with my eczema after using this it really help settle it and kept it at bay with regular use.

Other health benefits its claims:-
  • Good for your heart as the natural lauric acid in it reduces cholesterol.
  • Helps with weight loss- people who use this instead of normal cooking oil are less likely to be obese as it contains short and medium-chain fatty acids and speeds up metabolism.
  • boosts energy as the MCT are transported to the liver were they are used as a quick source of energy or turned into ketones.(HAVE A TEASPOON IN THE MORNING GREAT ENERGY BOOST)
  • Helps prevent illnesses- the high lauric acid converts into monolaurin which is a compound which is proven to antiviral properties.
  • Helps digestion- if you suffer IBS or gas this helps with the absorption of other nutrients.

Now onto beauty related and my tips and tricks i use it for.
All over skin moisturiser - even face claims helps acne(personally i do not use this on face as moisturiser i found my skin oily enough haha #oilyskinprobs
- My tip - put a small blob into your hot bath and soak in it even when you get out the oil residue is left on saves rubbing it all over you afterwards .

Great eye makeup remover(even waterproof) yes works wonder.
-My tip- i always use a clean wipe after removed to get all oil off my face were it spread onto,so once cleaned get a tiny amount on finger and rub on lashes( GREAT EYELASH TREATMENT TO KEEP THEM STRONG AND GLOSSY LOOKING) perfect for overnight.

Hair treatment or glosser to add shine.For shine make sure you use tiny amount for glossy look you could end up looking like you need a good wash haha!
-My tip- If you bleach or highlight your hair before applying bleach put coconut oil through hair even the day before to really let soak in.(This reduces damage caused by the bleach and doesn't effect to lifting result in anyway if anything some people claims lifts better, i just found lifted the same with my hair but definitely felt better)
PLEASE NOTE THIS DOESNT WORK FOR SEMI DYES OR ANY OTHER DYES JUST BLEACH!!!! i dont think hair dyes will colour proply if you had the oil on.

Nail treatment- prevents fungal nail and great cuticle oil.

thanks so much for reading hope its been some help to you takecare xxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday 31 July 2016

Lily Lolo mineral Foundation Review shade butterscotch.

So i first purchased this foundation about 18months ago I have since bought my second one and i wanted to share my review on it for anyone interested about this product.

First off this brand lily lolo I discovered simply from searching for mineral foundation on the internet. The great thing I loved straight away, is the fact you can buy a sample size for £1.49 of the foundation on their website and you can choose any shade!!!! yes yes yes i hate purchasing foundations only to realise when i apply to my face I think too dark or pale, so straight away you can spend just afew quid on the sample size which you get a fair few goes out of , making sure you pick the right shade.

So the foundation itself, there are lots of shades to choose from which is always a bonus.I would say this is a matte finish,it has no shimmer or any luminosity to the minerals like the Bareminerals original, so if you like that look you may not like this one as much. On that note though, you can buy lily lolo finishing powders where you can choose either a matte or silk or any other brand luminous finishing powder and you would get similar result.

Now to the good stuff.....Let me now go on to tell you about the size OMG this is great,

lily lolo powder foundation
Size comparison of bareminerals 6g- lily lolo 10g

The pot is 10g and lasts ages and only costs £13.99 BARGAIN for the amount of product you get and how long it lasts.

I use shade butterscotch, i have medium yellow undertones to my skin and this shade is perfect. This product blends really nice into the skin and covers well. I t does claim to be good for all skin types but i would probably say,if your dry skinned, maybe not for you. My skin is oily and holds up well, i do think for very oily skins you would benefit from using matte finishing powder on top.

lily lolo foundation butterscotch medium yellow undertones
Before blended
Blended in 
lily lolo powder foundationlily lolo powder foundation
No makeup
With lily lolo applied

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Maelle Beauty Job opportunity! work from home and be your own boss this is exciting !

I'm so excited to share this business opportunity!!!!.

Im a new first time mum, and when i found this opportunity i  knew it sounded perfect to fit into my hectic lifestyle. I wanted to share this with others so they get the chance as well .This job opportunity is you becoming a Maelle mentor,being your own boss selling the products all through online and social media ect . You join for a fee of £59 or $89 to get the starter kit which gets shipped out when due to launch oct/nov.

This includes 
• your own web page which is set up for you.
•online training by the amazing Mari Smith!
•The 1st products the brand is launching.
•carry case to fit your laptop and space for all products and bits you want to take around with you.

Now let me tell you abit more details about this brand .

So has any of you heard all the hype about a brand called Maelle? This is a skincare/makeup brand which is launching in united states and United kingdom at the same time Oct/Nov and is in its pre-launch stage now so anyone wanting to join, this is perfect timing to get in first and get ready for the launch.

Here's a sneaky peak of the 1st products being launched !!

The products are all made in Italy and are made using the best ingredients.These products are made up to the same quality of the high end makeup brands but the prices will be more medium scale prices , More expensive then drugstore prices but less then the High end.
WAIT FOR IT ... This brand has the hopping bunny logo which means that no animal testing has been involved in the making of these ingredients and products yaaaay!!! I am so happy about this.

All products claim

Anyone feeling the excitement for this new business venture like I do please follow the link to find out more and join our team

I cant wait to hear from you!!!
Feel free to message me with any questions xx

Thursday 14 July 2016

Semi-permanent makeup 2nd appointment

The 2nd semi-permanent makeup appt

To view part 1 of this experience please click the link

welcome back to part 2 of my semi-permanent lip tint experience(the booster appointment) 

So i won't go into as much detail on this one ,as it was all the same as the 1st appointment but slightly quicker because she could just get straight into it . This time, I wasn't nervous at all because I knew how great the last appointment went :-)
Before she just went ahead she did check with me if I was happy to keep to the same colour, or offered me to change it if I wanted but I liked the colour it was so I kept it the same.  

I was numbed up the same as 1st appointment but felt this time maybe wasn't left as long between the numbing stages , and did find during this process it was slightly more stingy throughout treatment. Whether that may have had anything to do with it,but was still bearable so was all fine. She still gave my lips a good few go overs like 1st appointment but didn't take as long as she already had the lip line to follow and didn't need to draw anything on this time. From when i entered the room i was there for 1 hour unlike 1st appointment was 1 hour 30mins.

So ill get straight to the healing process.
Felt the same as last time burning sensation first hour or so.The one thing i did differently, this time,was for the first few hours i used a clean, damp tissue just to gently dab lips were was oozing.I found this made my lips less scabby and much more presentable as healing. I had a family meal the following day and no one suspected anything i just looked like i had lipstick on you will notice the difference in the healing pictures then my 1st appointments. I also used a mixture of sometimes vaseline and sometimes bepanthen. 

 straight after

 Day 2

Day 3

Healed by day 4 before/after

This is 2 months healed nothing on lips very natural :-) !!!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

My semi-permanent lip colour review part 1

My semi-permanent makeup - lips review

Thinking about getting semi-permanent makeup? well let me tell you my experience and hopefully, I can help you get more of an understanding in what to expect.

So first off my reasons In wanting semi-permanent lip tint done was I hated how pale my lips were, and how I didn't have an obvious lip line, It was like it has faded and everyday i drew a lipline on with a pencil. I hated how every time a ate/drank anything I had to check my mirror and re-apply OMG soooooooo annoying. I constantly was trying out the latest lip stains but they never lasted all day so this treatment sounded like the perfect option for me. So I went ahead and made an appointment with someone i had researched and seen all before/after picture and loved all her work.(DENFINATLEY DO RESEARCH ON THE PERSON CARRYING OUT THE TREATMENT AND SEE BEFORE/AFTER PICTURES OF THEIR WORK!)

The day of treatment SATURDAY

So it was a Saturday morning and feeling slightly nervous thinking I hope I don't come out of here looking like the joker haha! I got called in and had a consultation explaining exactly why I wanted the treatment and what i didn't like about my lips and she advised on a full lip tint for me.( you can go for just lip liner or lip blush which is lipliner but then blended fading into the lip or the full lip tint).

So first thing is getting the lips as numb as possible,she reassured me how she uses the best most effective way of making the treatment as comfortable as possible.This involved using a very fine needle and gently scratching your lips(didn't hurt at all) and then the numbing cream is applied . That is left 2-3mins and the process repeated ,this time, she scratched a little deeper because I'd had the numb cream on (still didn't hurt at all) so she repeated again for 3rd time going slightly harder again.This is so the numbing cream can get into the deeper layers of the skin so made sense and I was so happy to feel how numb my lips were feeling, they felt massive like I had Angelina Jolie lips attached to my face!
She then wiped the cream off and drew on the lip line telling me i can change it anyway i want if i didn't like how she did it but when I looked in the mirror she had done it perfectly.

Now it's time to get to work (If you have had a tattoo its exactly the same looking thing they use apart from tattoo artists use ink and this stuff is pigment it means over time, like with tattoos the lines can spread a bit and go chunkier. This doesn't happen with pigment and also isn't 100%permanent like ink tattoo. 
I was amazed at how little I felt no sharpness it was more like a buzzing effect I felt on my lips.Some areas at times I did get a slight sting but nothing at all worth worrying about.
The whole process of her actually doing my lips was about 50ish minutes.She went over each lip about 3 times. Certain areas on my lipline weren't taking to the pigment quite as well but you go back for a booster 4-6 weeks later and she said will pick up better next time.

So next the moment you get handed the mirror to have a look haha! excitement and nerves she reassured me the colour will look 50% more strong now and lips redder and swollen ! i took a look and I'm not going to lie I did feel like it looked very in your face and drawn on looking, but i knew they would go paler and i did love how perfect they looked.

Healing process

semi permanent lip tattoo
semi permanent lip tattoo
So the first hour after having the treatment my lips got a stingy burning sensation almost like you had rubbed a hot spicy sauce all over your lips ,but then after that first hour,they reduced and didn't have any discomfort they just got a tighter feeling and did ooze slightly. I was told to use vaseline only(i had read some places said don't use vaseline because make lips sweat but i just followed the instructions i was given).

semi permanent lip tattoo healing

SUNDAY DAY 2 - I woke up lips had crusted over slightly mainly from where they had oozed and it had formed a scab. They just felt drier and crustier as the day went on. The strict instructions are DO-NOT pick any scabs it can affect the end result because can take pigment off with the scab and end up with patchy results.

lip tattoo healing day 3

MONDAY DAY 3- So the scabs today were worse ,some parts mainly on my inner lip were peeling and lifting a bit and bits were coming away as the day was going on. Especially when applying the vaseline you have to be careful not to rub too much, so you don't knock any bits that aren't quite ready to come off yet. This day was probably the worsed looking day so if you were wanting to hibernate or take time off work this would be the day.

semi permanent lip tattoo healing day 4

TUESDAY DAY 4- By the afternoon of this day all my scabs had come off my lips,the colour was a very natural lip colour which is what I wanted I still wanted to wear other colour lipsticks. I didn't want to look like I was always wearing lipstick, I just wanted them to look like nicely defined natural coloured lips and that's what I got. Your lips feel dry and have a slight tight feeling to them id say for up to 2 weeks afterwards and ,over this time the colour can seem to come out slightly more as they fully heal. I'm excited about going to get the booster to make them more perfect :-) I'm sorry the final picture isn't with all the scabs off , that's them tuesday morning I've lost final picture but i will do another blog on my booster appointment and the final picture after end result will be on that. I hope anyone considering this treatment has found this helpful. thanks for reading lots of love xxxxxxx

To go straight to part 2 to see the finished result follow the link